Scylla Academy

This internal course aims to bring together a wide range of Scylla product-related topics in one place, assisting in the knowledge onboarding/enhancement of new and existing Scylla employees.

This course assumes you have completed the University courses S101: ScyllaDB Essentials and S201: Data Modeling. If you have not completed them yet, please do so before proceeding with this course’s advanced topics.

Some of the topic’s information might overlap a little, but repetition is a good learning technique in your quest to achieve a full understanding of an elaborated product.  

S501: Employee Training

Click the lessons below to navigate through the course.

This course is for ScyllaDB Employees in RnD

What Will I Learn?

This course includes

*Course version S501.1 updated on the 4th of February 2024


S908: ScyllaDB Labs 2024

Price: Free

This course accompanies the Scylla Summit 2024 event. It includes all the slides presented in the track, quiz questions, and hands-on labs.

What Will I Learn?

This course includes the two lab sessions from the event. The material will help you get started with ScyllaDB.  You will gain knowledge of ScyllaDB features and advantages, including an intro to ScyllaDB and to NoSQL, basic ScyllaDB concepts, ScyllaDB architecture,  and data modeling. Additionally, it includes labs and materials not covered in the event that you can use to deepen your knowledge.

Also, check out these other free courses, which cover some of the topics in more depth.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for registrants of the Scylla Summit 2024 event.

Content Overview

Topics Covered:

  • Building High-Performance Apps
  • Power User Best Practices Training

*Course version S908.4 Updated February 12th 2024



S906: ScyllaDB University LIVE, 2024: Advanced Track

Price: Free

This course accompanies the ScyllaDB University LIVE March 2024 event, Advanced Track. It includes the slides presented in the track, quiz questions, and hands-on labs.

What Will I Learn?

This course includes all the sessions from the Advanced track. The material will help you get started with ScyllaDB.  You will gain knowledge of ScyllaDB features and advantages, including:

  • Materliazed Views, Filtering and Denormalization, Secondary Indexes, UDT, Collections, TTL and when to use each.
  • An overview of new features in the latest version of ScyllaDB, including Tablets and consistent topology changes using Raft.
  • How to build a real world application with ScyllaDB, using a hands-on example (with ScyllaDB Cloud) and explaining the data modeling and the design thought process.

Also, check out these other free courses, which cover some of the topics in more depth.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for registrants of the ScyllaDB University LIVE March 2024 event.

Content Overview

Topics Covered:

  • Advanced Data Modeling
  • What’s New in ScyllaDB
  • Building a Real-World Application

*Course version S906.10



S905: ScyllaDB University LIVE, 2024: Essentials Track

Price: Free

This course accompanies the ScyllaDB University LIVE March 2024 event, Essentials Track. It includes all the slides presented in the track, quiz questions, and hands-on labs.

What Will I Learn?

This course includes all the sessions from the Essentials track. The material will help you get started with ScyllaDB.  You will gain knowledge of ScyllaDB features and advantages, including an intro to ScyllaDB and to NoSQL, basic ScyllaDB concepts, ScyllaDB architecture, data modeling, and how to succeed with ScyllaDB using best practices and avoiding common pitfalls. Also, check out these other free courses, which cover some of the topics in more depth.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for registrants of the ScyllaDB University LIVE  March 2024 event.

Content Overview

Topics Covered:

  • Intro to ScyllaDB
  • ScyllaDB Core Concepts
  • Succeeding with ScyllaDB

*Course version S905.10



S310: ScyllaDB Alternator

S310: ScyllaDB Alternator

Price: Free

This course focuses on ScyllaDB Alternator, an open-source project that gives ScyllaDB API compatibility with DynamoDB

Course Description

Project Alternator is an open-source project for an Amazon DynamoDB™-compatible API written in C++. The goal of this project is to deliver an open source alternative to Amazon’s DynamoDB, deployable wherever a user would want: on-premises, on other public clouds like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, or still on AWS (for users who wish to take advantage of other aspects of Amazon’s market-leading cloud ecosystem, such as the high-density i3en instances). DynamoDB users can keep their same client code unchanged.

The course covers an overview of Alternator, how it works, and some hands-on labs and examples.

By the end of this course, you will know how to migrate existing DynamoDB applications to work with ScyllaDB as well as create new ones that use the DynamoDB API.  You can read more about Project Alternator in this blog post and in the documentation.

Alternator is available as part of ScyllaDB Open Source.  It’s recommended you take the ScyllaDB Essentials course before taking this one.

Do you have any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S310.1 updated on the 30th of January 2024

S210: Using ScyllaDB Drivers

ScyllaDB Drivers Course

Price: Free

This is an intermediate-level course that focuses on ScyllaDB drivers and how to use them for application development.

Course Description

This course was designed with application developers and architects in mind.

You can interact with a ScyllaDB cluster using drivers in multiple languages. This course starts with a recap of the architecture and an overview of ScyllaDB-specific drivers, including paging and shard awareness. It covers drivers for different languages, including Java, CPP, Rust, Golang, Python, Node.JS, and others and also includes some hands-on examples.
While it’s possible to use Apache Cassandra drivers, by using ScyllaDB specific drivers you’ll improve cluster performance.
Besides ease of use, the main features of ScyllaDB drivers are:
1. Paging Support: Fetching each page from the same coordinator node, which can cache the state. This results in better throughput and lower latencies.
2. Shard Awareness: Improved request routing by connecting directly to the shard that manages requested data. This reduces inter-shard communication and improves latency.

By the end of this course, you will know how to use drivers in different languages to interact with a ScyllaDB cluster. You can read more about ScyllaDB drivers in the documentation.

It’s recommended you take the ScyllaDB Essentials and Data Modeling courses before taking this one.

Any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S210.1 updated on the 30th of January 2024

S301: ScyllaDB Operations

S301: ScyllaDB Operations

Price: Free

This is an intermediate-level course that focuses on database administration and operations.

Course Description

This course was designed for Administrators and Architects. It will also be useful for Developers and System Engineers who want to gain an in-depth knowledge of ScyllaDB administration.

By the end of this course, participants will gain a deep understanding of building, administering, and monitoring ScyllaDB clusters and how to troubleshoot ScyllaDB.

It’s recommended you take the ScyllaDB Essentials course before taking this one.

Next Steps

After completing this course, check out the Mutant Monitoring System (MMS) and Integrations course if you’re a DBA and the Data Modeling and Application Development course if you’re an Architect. Discover the suitable learning path for you.

Any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S301.6 updated on the 27th of December 2023

S201: Data Modeling and Application Development

S201: Data Modeling and Application Development

Price: Free

This is an intermediate-level course that explains basic and advanced data modeling techniques, including information on workflow application, query analysis, denormalization, and other NoSQL data modeling topics.

Course Description

This course covers both basic and advanced data modeling concepts. It goes over workflow application, query analysis, denormalization, Materialized Views (MV), Secondary Indexes, Filtering, Lightweight Transactions (LWT), Change Data Capture (CDC), Workload Prioritization, and other data modeling topics while showing some concrete, hands-on examples. It is recommended that you take the ScyllaDB Essentials Course before taking this one.

After this data modeling course, you will be able to:

  • Perform workflow application and query analysis
  • Explain commonly used data types
  • Understand collections and UDTs
  • Understand denormalization
  • Work with Materialized Views and Secondary Indexes and know when to use each
  • Use Lightweight Transactions (LWT)
  • Run mixed workloads in your cluster using Workload Prioritization
  • Understand Change Data Capture, or CDC, and how to use it

Next Steps

After completing this course, check out the  Mutant Monitoring System (MMS) and Integrations course. Discover the suitable learning path for you.

Any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S201.3 updated on the 28th of January 2024

S110: The Mutant Monitoring System (MMS) and Integrations

S110: The Mutant Monitoring System (MMS) and Integrations

Price: Free

This is an intermediate-level course that focuses on ScyllaDB integrations and setup and expands on concepts touched on in previous courses.

Course Description

The Mutant Monitoring System and Integrations course is a great tool to train new and experienced ScyllaDB users on key concepts such as setup, failover, compactions, multi-datacenters, and how ScyllaDB integrates with third-party applications such as Kafka, JanusGraph, and more. The course is suitable for developers who want to learn how to use ScyllaDB within their custom applications in various programming languages. If you are new to ScyllaDB, starting with the ScyllaDB Essentials course is recommended before taking this one.

The course includes lessons on various topics, which are, in many cases, covered more in-depth in other courses. In such cases, you’ll find links to the additional material.

The Backstory

Mutants have emerged from the shadows and are now wreaking havoc on Earth. Increased levels of malicious mutant behavior pose a threat to national security and the general public. The government has enacted the Mutant Registration Act to protect citizens better and understand more about mutants. As required by the act, each mutant must wear a small device that reports his/her actions every second. The overall mission is to help the Government keep the Mutants under control by building a Mutant Monitoring System (MMS). Finish this course, and we just may save the Earth!
Get to it!

Next Steps

After completing this course, check out the Using ScyllaDB Drivers course if you’re a Developer or an Architect. If you’re a DBA, consider taking the ScyllaDB Alternator course next. Discover the suitable learning path for you.

Any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S110.3 updated on the 22nd of January 2023
