13 min to complete

# This tutorial was created with 3.1.0.rc9
docker run --name scylla-si -d scylladb/scylla:3.1.0.rc9 --smp 2 --memory 4G
Open 3 terminals (#1 for base table, #2 for global index, #3 for local index
BASE TABLE – On terminal #1
docker exec -ti scylla-si /bin/bash
CREATE KEYSPACE restaurant_chain
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
Keep in mind that SimpleStrategy should not be used in production.
USE restaurant_chain;
CREATE TABLE restaurant_chain.menus (
location text,
name text,
dish_type text,
price float,
PRIMARY KEY (location, name));
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Reykjavik', 'hakarl', 16, 'cold Icelandic starter');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Reykjavik', 'svid', 21, 'hot Icelandic main dish');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Warsaw', 'sour rye soup', 7, 'Polish soup');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Warsaw', 'sorrel soup', 5, 'Polish soup');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Cracow', 'beef tripe soup', 6, 'Polish soup');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Warsaw', 'pork jelly', 8, 'cold Polish starter');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Ho Chi Minh', 'bun mam', 8, 'Vietnamese soup');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Da Lat', 'banh mi', 5, 'Vietnamese breakfast');
INSERT INTO menus (location, name, price, dish_type) VALUES ('Ho Chi Minh', 'goi cuon', 6, 'Vietnamese hot starter');
SELECT * from restaurant_chain.menus;
nodetool flush
cd /var/lib/scylla/data/restaurant_chain/
ls -l */*
GLOBAL INDEX – On terminal #2
docker exec -ti scylla-si /bin/bash
USE restaurant_chain;
CREATE INDEX ON menus(dish_type);
SELECT * from restaurant_chain.menus_dish_type_idx_index;
nodetool flush
cd /var/lib/scylla/data/restaurant_chain/
ls -l */*
LOCAL INDEX – On terminal #3
docker exec -ti scylla-si /bin/bash
USE restaurant_chain;
CREATE INDEX ON menus((location),dish_type);
SELECT * from restaurant_chain.menus_dish_ type_idx_1_index;
nodetool flush
cd /var/lib/scylla/data/restaurant_chain/
ls -l */*
Inspecting sstables for a better understanding
NOTE: The directories and files below are hypothetical. You should get the correct names from the ls -l */* (the last command ran in each terminal).
# BASE TABLE – On terminal #1
sstabledump menus- 76bce980e9e711e9b4a60000000000 01/mc-2-big-Data.db
# GLOBAL INDEX – On terminal #2
sstabledump menus_dish_type_idx_index- 11248001e9e811e9b4a60000000000 01/mc-2-big-Data.db
# LOCAL INDEX – On terminal #3
sstabledump menus_dish_type_idx_1_index- bac41d51e9e811e9b4a60000000000 01/mc-2-big-Data.db
USE restaurant_chain;
SELECT token(location), location, name, dish_type, price
FROM restaurant_chain.menus;
SELECT dish_type, blobAsBigint(idx_token), location, name
FROM restaurant_chain.menus_dish_ type_idx_index;
SELECT token(location), location, dish_type, name
FROM restaurant_chain.menus_dish_ type_idx_1_index;
select * from restaurant_chain.menus where location = 'Warsaw';
select * from restaurant_chain.menus where dish_type = 'Polish soup';
select * from restaurant_chain.menus where dish_type = 'Polish soup' AND location = 'Warsaw';
select * from restaurant_chain.menus where location = 'Warsaw' AND dish_type = 'Polish soup';