SS24 – Basic Data Modeling Theory and Lab

This is the basic Data Modeling lesson accompanying the session you saw at the Summit. More advanced material is available in the Data Modeling and Application Development course.

Data modeling is the process of identifying the entities in our domain, the relationships between them, and how they will be stored in the database.

Note: The lesson includes a hands-on example that you can run on a local machine with Docker. Additionally, you can find this lab in the Instruqt learning environment here. This environment provides an interactive virtual machine where you can execute all the commands directly from your browser without the need to configure anything.

The main steps of data modeling in ScyllaDB are:


This lesson focuses on the parts of data modeling that are unique to ScyllaDB (and Apache Cassandra) and not general data modeling. It is assumed that you have some prior data modeling experience.

After this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe the ScyllaDB data model
  • Understand what a Keyspace, Table, Column, and Row are
  • Explain the differences between a Primary Key, Partition Key, Compound Key, and Clustering Key
  • Run a cqlsh and perform basic queries