Join us at ScyllaDB University Live, instructor-led, online, hands-on, training sessions | September 24
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Extra Hands-on Labs

Note: This lesson (and the following labs) is optional only. In the live event, there was not enough time to cover the theory of Materialized Views (MV). You can find more info about the theory in this lesson and about Alternator in this course.

As I don’t want to remove the lesson (for those interested in doing the labs anyhow), you can simply skip the three labs by clicking next in each lab. This will mark the labs as complete and allow you to still receive the certificate. 

Put the theory into practice by running the following hands-on labs (second part):

  • Materialized Views and Indexes Lab 1 – Create a base table and different Materialized Views (MV) for that base table, execute updates to the base table, and learn how to query the MV.
  • Materialized Views and Indexes Lab 2 – Experience Global and Local Secondary indexes in action, with example use cases and an explanation of when to use each.
  • Project Alternator Lab: Get started with Alternator, an open-source project that makes ScyllaDB compatible with Amazon DynamoDB.