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S310: ScyllaDB Alternator

S310: ScyllaDB Alternator

Price: Free

This course focuses on ScyllaDB Alternator, an open-source project that gives ScyllaDB API compatibility with DynamoDB

Course Description

Project Alternator is an open-source project for an Amazon DynamoDB™-compatible API written in C++. The goal of this project is to deliver an open source alternative to Amazon’s DynamoDB, deployable wherever a user would want: on-premises, on other public clouds like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, or still on AWS (for users who wish to take advantage of other aspects of Amazon’s market-leading cloud ecosystem, such as the high-density i3en instances). DynamoDB users can keep their same client code unchanged.

The course covers an overview of Alternator, how it works, and some hands-on labs and examples.

By the end of this course, you will know how to migrate existing DynamoDB applications to work with ScyllaDB as well as create new ones that use the DynamoDB API.  You can read more about Project Alternator in this blog post and in the documentation.

Alternator is available as part of ScyllaDB Open Source.  It’s recommended you take the ScyllaDB Essentials course before taking this one.

Do you have any feedback, questions, or new content you’d like to see? You can discuss this course and other training material on the community forum.

*Course version S310.1 updated on the 30th of January 2024
