Lab: Read and Write (Part 2 of 2)

10 min to complete

Lab: Read and Write (Part 2 of 2)

Read and write at different consistency levels

In the previous topic, we saw how to create a three-node cluster. We opened a CQL Shell to a node in the cluster, created a table with RF=3, wrote data to it, and read that data. 

Now we will see what happens when we try to read and write data to our table, with varying Consistency Levels and when some of the nodes are down.

Let’s make sure all our nodes are still up:

docker exec -it Node_Z nodetool status

Now, set the Consistency Level to QUORUM and perform a write:

docker exec -it Node_Z cqlsh
use mykeyspace; 
insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (7, 'eric', 'cartman');

Read the data to see if the insert was successful:

select * from users; 

The read and write operations were successful. What do you think would happen if we did the same thing with Consistency Level ALL? 

insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (8, 'lorne', 'malvo'); 
select * from users;

The operations were successful again. CL=ALL means that we have to read/write to the number of nodes according to the Replication Factor, 3 in our case. Since all nodes are up, this works. 
Next, we’ll take one node down and check read and write operations with a Consistency Level of Quorum and ALL.

Take down Node_Y and check the status (it might take some time until the node is actually down): 

docker stop Node_Y 
docker exec -it Node_Z nodetool status 

Now, set the Consistency Level to QUORUM and perform a write: 

docker exec -it Node_Z cqlsh 
use mykeyspace;
insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (9, 'avon', 'barksdale');  

Read the data to see if the insert was successful: 

select * from users; 

With CL = QUORUM, the read and write were successful. What will happen with CL = ALL? 

insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (10, 'vm', 'varga');  
select * from users; 

Both read and write fail. CL = ALL requires that we read/write to three nodes (based on RF = 3), but only two nodes are up.

What happens if another node is down?

Take down Node_Z and check the status:

docker stop Node_Z 
docker exec -it Node_X nodetool status 

Now, set the Consistency Level to QUORUM and perform a read and a write: 

docker exec -it Node_X cqlsh 
use mykeyspace; 
insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (11, 'morty', 'smith');  
select * from users; 

With CL = QUORUM, the read and write fail. Since RF=3, QUORUM means at least two nodes need to be up. In our case, just one is. What will happen with CL = ONE? 

insert into users (user_id, fname, lname) values (12, 'marlo', 'stanfield');   
select * from users; 

This time the read and write are successful. CL = ONE requires that we read/write to just one node. Since one node is up, this works. 

To summarize, we saw what happens when some of the nodes are down in our three node cluster and RF=3, and with different Consistency Levels. CL = ALL will provide higher consistency, while CL = 1 will provide higher availability. In the next lesson will take a closer look at the ScyllaDB architecture. 
