Testing the created application with Postman by running some basic queries. There are different options for creating a user interface in a production application.
since uh I’m having just the service and you for example can divide the development between more people or more teams you can have a team that develops the service or the back end and you can have a team that develops the front end I will go and I will test my service with the postman and uh uh this is like a test for the HTTP rest API so I’ll just show how to call the API I will just create some records and show them they will be created in database you can you can fetch first one like Postman for free and you can use it there are various other tools to do it I’m just used to post one it’s it’s quite easy to use it to do the HTTP queries uh I don’t want to leave you alone about the UI because of course that’s uh another big part of the application but it’s a little bit out of scope from Sila because you already know how to do the data model so you basically just take the data model from the service and you reuse the data model in the UI and I quickly created a mock UI in the button balding is basically a spring framework or a framework on top of spring that can model your objects and you can basically design your UI interfaces that will become HTML in the end it uh depends on Spanx 327 so I didn’t see it working with string three zero but string 330 was released a few days ago so I guess give it some more time and it supports jdk 17. but it’s it’s fairly nice I love it on the next slide so you’ll have a look how it looks like and you can you can consider yourself if it’s okay for you or not but that said you don’t have to because we divided the services like the service is one part and it’s it’s in Spring it provides you the rest interface you can just connect anything to the rest interface and rest interface gives you a Json answer and you can just parse Json and call HTTP in any language you want like for example you can write a client item it’s okay python will be very easy to use you can create a web application in something else not involving if you don’t like Java you can make it or create it in PHP in Python in Ruby in JavaScript and anything works because you just need basically a rest call to the backend service and of course you can create a mobile application and the the idea is the same thing like you can use either kotlin or Java of course uh or some Frameworks like angular and or ionic that will just give you eventually JavaScript and then web HTML application inside an Android application of course but the principle is again the same they just have a means how to call an HTTP service arrest API fetch the Json parse it convert it and present it on the screen and one of the presentation can look like this so this is for example an application I created involved in using that starter um no code application and I was able to design it within 10 minutes so if you are I don’t know if you don’t have time and you want to quickly whip up something you can do it like this and I bet the other languages are something similar as well so you can you can likely do the same thing so the the scaffolding and the base of the application these days I think can be very well generated and gives you like a start and booster and you don’t really have to waste time with the basics