The Alternator project is an AWS DynamoDB API using ScyllaDB as the backend. By using it, users avoid vendor lock-in. They can deploy their DynamoDB application with any cloud provider, a private data center, or a hybrid of several clouds or data centers. In this demo you’ll see how to configure ScyllaDB to run a DynamoDB Tic Tac Toe application, using the Kubernetes Operator.
Now let’s quickly move on to the Alternator
so, in just a single sentence, Alternator is. AWS DynamoDB API using ScyllaDB as backend, so
basically users of DynamoDB, if their application is using DynamoDB, are
basically vendor locked, because they cannot move to any other cloud provider
like GCP or Azure or any private data center, they must stick with the AWS
but ScyllaDB, what it changes it basically allows you to remove this vendor lock
and transition into your desired deployment, so you can either deploy it on Kubernetes
or on cloud provider using for example. ScyllaDB Cloud, so I’m going to show you how to
modify the existing cluster and to to enable the Alternator front end
so this is
how it looks like, so I have the previous cluster and in order to enable the Alternator
you just have to provide additional field with the desired port you want to expose
the API and the desired write isolation, we are going to set ‘always’ but let’s not deep
dive into details, so you can read about different write isolations on the Alternator documentation
so yeah let’s remove this
previous cluster and let’s spawn
the Alternator one
let’s also disable the iotune
I enabled, because it’s not working today
okay, so let’s apply the Alternator and as I said we are going to play a game
using Alternator, which will be a tic-tac-toe game, so this file contains a deployment
which will basically use a tic-tac-toe this is an AWS example application
written by Amazon and using DynamoDB, what I did, I just created a docker image out of it
which basically executes the application and it’s pointing it to the ScyllaDB cluster
we are currently deploying and it also contains a service of load balancer type, so
we will be able to play a game with you so let’s check whether our cluster is
getting ready, it is spinning up so let’s copy the name of it and
let’s wait a couple of minutes to put up
and one disclaimer, if you will join me
in this game, there will be a prize, there will be a present for you
so let’s wait a couple of seconds
are there any questions about hiring, yes we are hiring, you can find it on the careers page
okay again because I disabled
the iotuning, I have to wait now for the benchmark results, it should end anytime soon
error, interesting
it’s still running
this initializing, so
okay, it’s finishing up
okay, so now let’s deploy the game
apply, tic-tac-toe and this creates a pod with the AWS game
and let’s check whether the IP address is available
so this is the external IP, which is pending so basically the cloud is allocating the IP
but meanwhile, we can check whether the pod has started
so get logs of it
and it’s started, so
what we have to do, is just wait for the external. IP assignment, you can set up a watch by adding the
‘-w’ parameter and this is the IP you guys can use to join me in the game, I pasted it on the chat
so on the right-hand side, you can log in, by just providing some string
and you can create a game and provide my name which is Maciek and it should show me
an invitation to the game, remember there is a prize if you join it
and this is everything running on the. ScyllaDB, even though it’s a DynamoDB application
okay, Alejandro managed to join, so let’s play a game with him, so it is my turn
and you won, congratulations
yeah so Alejandro please reach me in the direct message, I have a price for you for
a for Amazon gift card, okay so this is basically how you deploy the Alternator
you just create a ScyllaDB cluster and add some additional field to enable the front end